
Fidelia meaning
Fidelia meaning

Double-Meaning Title: As Teenage Pregnancy is the episode's theme, it refers to the young mothers and their would be children.The Dog Bites Back: Max Matarrazo snaps at Fidelia Vidal and murders her for being such a shitty girlfriend to him despite his devotion.Fortunately Josh's father is willing to step in. Josh Galli's murder sets off a series of events that leads to Tina Bernardi having to raise their child alone.

fidelia meaning

Alec comments that his father isn't around anymore, but that he would be proud of him for murdering Josh Galli. The Bernardi household has no patriarch.One in which your charges were dropped, no less. Assaulting a lawyer immediately after a trial.Josh's death also means Tina can't make him pay child support for the baby. He didn't even ask Tina what happened before jumping to the conclusion that Josh raped her, and apparently didn't consider how she would react to him murdering her baby-daddy. Alec murdering the guy who got his sister pregnant.They've been called out on their attitude in every given chance. All the girls make light of Teenage Pregnancy.Olivia: (interrupts) I know what it stands for.

fidelia meaning

The father is not present, but he got his wife pregnant when she was a teenager and is implied to have been a violent man, considering the son's claim that his dad would have been proud of him for brutally murdering his sister's baby-daddy.

  • Big, Screwed-Up Family: The Bernardis: A psychotic mother who bullies her daughter's best friend into suicide ( or so it seems), a daughter who deliberately gets herself pregnant by a homeless schizophrenic man, and a son who castrates said man and sets him on fire because he thought he raped his sister.
  • When her boyfriend finally snaps and murders her, Elliot and Munch didn't show their usual contempt when arresting him. She is a shitty girlfriend to a boy who is loyal to her and in her scenes appear as a total Jerkass (e.g being unnecessarily rude to Olivia).
  • Answer Cut: While investigating a group of toughs who assault the homeless, Finn suggests luring them out with "the laziest filthiest bum they've ever seen." Cue Munch roaming the streets shouting conspiracy theories.

  • Fidelia meaning